Key Role: Facilitate the collection of recyclables from the kitchen and lunchroom.


  • Provide information about recyclables found in the kitchen and cafeteria for the school’s walkthrough assessment.
  • Help determine the number and the placement of recycling containers necessary for the kitchen and cafeteria; e.g., if trash containers are available at each end of the cafeteria, recycling containers should be placed next to the trash containers.
  • Educate food service managers and personnel about the program’s requirements; enlist their cooperation.
  • If food service personnel act as cafeteria monitors, make sure they understand contamination issues and monitor students’ placement of recyclables in containers.


  • Provide a list of recyclables and volume estimates for the school’s walkthrough assessment.
  • Assist with the placement of recycling containers in the cafeteria, and ensure that proper signage is on both the recycling and trash containers.
  • Instruct staff on how to participate in the program in the kitchen and how to monitor students in the cafeteria (if applicable).