Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education (ANJEE)
According to its website, “The Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education (ANJEE) envisions a time when people will embrace their place in the natural world, understand that human health is dependent on a healthy environment and have the skills they need to enjoy their environment and protect it for present and future generations. ANJEE supports and advances environmental education efforts in New Jersey for people of all ages in order to cultivate an environmentally literate population.” Among other things, ANJEE sponsors autumn and winter conferences.
Association of New Jersey Recyclers
“Recycling in Our Schools” Video Playlist
Carton Council
Milk carton recycling resources
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Guide to Composting Onsite at Schools
New Jersey Clean Communities
According to it’s website, “New Jersey Clean Communities is a statewide, comprehensive, litter-abatement program created by the passage of the Clean Communities Act in 1986.”
Best Practices Manual – This manual contains lists of books, assembly programs, and curricula on litter abatement and recycling.
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Recycling Information
Recycling Information for Government and Schools
School Food Waste Guidelines K-12 Edition, November 2019
New Jersey WasteWise Business Network
Northeast Recycling Council
Search for Resources (search on “Schools” category yields over 25 documents)
Project Learning Tree (PLT)
According to its website, “Project Learning Tree (PLT) is an award-winning environmental education program designed for teachers and other educators, parents and community leaders working with youth from preschool through 12th grade. For over 40 years, PLT has provided educators with high-quality professional development, hands-on activities, and multi-disciplinary supplemental curriculum to help teach youth about trees, forests, and the environment.” There are sections in the curriculum devoted to the management of trash and recyclable material. In addition, either in-person sessions or online training courses are available for educators.
Recycle More Minnesota School Recycling Toolkit
Digging Deep Through School Trash, A waste composition analysis of trash, recycling and organic material discarded at public schools in Minnesota, September 2010
According to its website, “ReFED is a collaboration of over 50 business, nonprofit, foundation and government leaders committed to reducing food waste in the United States.”
Sustainable Jersey for Schools
According to it’s website, “Sustainable Jersey for Schools is a certification program for New Jersey public schools that want to go green, conserve resources and take steps to create a brighter future, one school at a time. Launched in fall 2014, we are a nonprofit organization that provides tools, training and financial incentives to support and reward schools as they pursue sustainability programs.”
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools, February 2007
Sustainable Management of Food
Ben Carpenter created the illustrations of the Recycling Quartet that features students Rafael, Robert, Raelynn, and Rebecca. Ben can be reached at