
The New Jersey Recycling Toolkit for Schools is dedicated to the memory of Ron Hutchinson, a president of the Association of New Jersey Recyclers (ANJR), who was extremely devoted to proper recycling in NJ schools, and to the memory of Janet Pellichero, a member of the ANJR Board of Directors, who was infused with passion and energy related to recycling and was an enthusiastic supporter of the recycling of food waste.  September 2020

So, you need to develop a recycling program for your school?  Or maybe your school has had a good recycling program operating for a time, but lately you are unsure if it is still functioning properly. Maybe, there is a great recycling program in one school in the district and you want to expand it to the entire school district.  Perhaps you’ve registered with the Sustainable Jersey for Schools program (more on this program later) and want help with the Waste Management and Recycling actions.  Or you’ve learned that 40% of food is wasted in the U.S. and you want to reduce food waste in your school.  This toolkit is designed for all of you.

“It is our collective and individual responsibility…
to preserve and tend to the world in which we live.”

— Dali Lama

Hopefully, you’re reading this because you WANT your school to recycle successfully. You understand its importance environmentally.  You make sure to recycle in your home. It probably makes you feel good to do so.  Just in case you forgot or maybe didn’t know about the benefits of recycling, click here to learn why it’s important to do so.



This toolkit provides tools and guidance necessary for designing, implementing, or expanding a viable and comprehensive recycling program in New Jersey schools and is intended for grades K-12.



A guide to various recycling resources